

Friday, 27 November 2015


Road Show

Today we had the pleasure of attending the traveling Science Road Show! Our school hall was filled with all manner of exciting interactive activities to do with energy. 

Saturday, 26 September 2015


                Schools out term is over bye books bye math bye spelling but hello reading. The holidays has started keep RM 23 updated with your super duper holiday activities                  



INTRODUCING…….THE HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Wheel Blacks Visit

Last week,  two of the Wheel Blacks came to visit us. They told us a bit about themselves.  They told us some interesting facts about themselves. Cody , one of the players, told us why he was in a wheelchair, and so did Sholto . They also showed us a video of one of their games. Then they had a Game against the Staff members in the hall.  
Mrs Lange, Mr Willocks, Mr Harris and Mrs Whitaker played!

Here is a picture of them with us!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Cultural Festival 2015

One of the highlights on the school calendar is always the Cultural Festival.  It always makes my hair stand on end and my heart swell with pride seeing all our kids hard work come to fruition. Congratulations to everyone for 'stepping up' and demonstrating the Queenspark spirit.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Madasin's Ice-Cream Poem

This is Madasin's poem about ice-cream! Good use of rhyming! Gets our class in a Spring mood!

Ice cream is yum, it fills up my tum, I love ice cream! It’s just so yum! Come on and eat some ice cream everyone. Horray, it's ice cream day!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

How Funny Can Dogs Really Be?

GDOG has put this piece of art together. It has all the cute dogs you would love to have sitting in your living room. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, 4 September 2015

Marimba Group

All this year, our Queenspark School marimba group have been practicing songs and rhythms. Last week they participated in the Strum, Strike, Blow Festival. To build there confidence, they showed there amazing skills at our Monday morning assembly. They sounded great! Here is a video they showed at the assembly. Hope you enjoy!

Ellie's Woodend Camp Recount!

Earlier This year in March the Year 5 and 6's went to Woodend Christian Camp. It was so fun because you got to try new things and accomplish goals. 

Here is Ellie's recount about it:   Hope you enjoy,

On Monday 4th of May I woke up with a smile from ear to ear.I leaped out of bed, chucked on some clothes and ate breakfast, before a blink of an eye. I just knew that I was going to have so much fun trying new things that I had never done before at Woodend Camp.I dragged my dad along the ground and ran to school as if I were running for my life.I said goodbye to him and started talking to my friends about camp.The teachers were taking us to the front court to wait for the bus.

The bus dropped us off in Pegasus and we took the walk to Woodend camp.We stopped at a playground and ate our lunch, we got to play there for a long time. After that we took a long walk up a long street and we reached the camp site.                                                                                    

We got into our bunk rooms and unpacked. We sorted out where we were going to sleep.  when we got out of our bunk rooms, room 23 got to go on the flying fox first.I really enjoyed it. After we got to eat afternoon tea, room 23 got on the aero bungy. afterwards, it was my first time on the aero bungy. I did about 5 forward flips and over 10 back flips!

At around 5:30 pm we had tea. We had nachos for tea. It was delicious. After we played spotlight.Next we had supper.

Then we got ready for bed.

The next day we did rotations. My first rotation was initiatives. I really liked it It was because we got to go on this wooden pole and and flip down and it was really fun.  The next rotation  that I did was go-karts, I wasn’t that good at it though. After that I did orienteering. It was really hard to read the map and my team got 13 out of 20. Next I did air rifles and archery. In archery I won archery because I got it closer to the red than the rest of the people.

That night we had chicken, peas, corn and potatoes. It was delicious. We also had dessert, dessert was a warm chocolate brownie with a giant slab of vanilla ice cream.

When it was time to play spotlight I got in a team with Charlotte, Abigail, Bree and Samantha, the next night I got with Keira. We got found in a couple of times. When it finished we got to eat supper, hot chocolate and some biscuits

Soon we got ready for bed.

The next day room 14 15 and 16 arrived. We we there with them for the last 10- 15 minutes.

Next the bus arrived. We all got on and it drove back to our school.

Finally we arrived back at our school and we waited for our parents to pick us up.

I wish I had a time machine to do it all again.

Maths Week

A few weeks ago it was Maths week and Room 23 did some Maths Art. We had to get three sizes of coloured paper, small, medium and then large. We had to fold the paper triangularly three times, and then cut some shapes in the paper. Here’s how Maia’s turned out.


About two weeks ago, on Friday, we had a reliever called Miss Willans. She thought our class is so awesome that she wrote this message:
Everyone says that Queenspark School is always using the 3 R’s and this message shows that we do!        

QP Wearable Arts Group

All through the year, some of the Queenspark students participated in wearable arts. I happened to be one of them. All the guys have worked so hard on their master pieces and finally get to show them off. Yesterday, we did a matinee performance and killed it, it felt amazing! Tonight we also get to do a performance  at the Horncastle Arena. Its quite cool because the Queenspark Kapa Haka group are doing it as well.

Good luck to everyone!   Here is a photo and a video of the Wearable Arts group performing! You all look amazing!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

At the end of Term 2, the 5/6 syndicate went to the Ferrymead 100 year ago place. We had to dress up like maids and slaves-  Room 23 totally looked old fashioned. Some of us were nervous for the school house rotation because when we arrived at the set, we heard whips/canes banging down on the desks. We learnt about Land Girls and Manpower, but you'll have to read our Information Report for more details. Room 23 visited the housework rotation next. She was a nice lady. She said, "Have you guys just been to the school house? You look a bit nervous!" Enjoy!

War Life in New Zealand 100 Years Ago.

It was hard to live 100 years ago when the men were away at war.  People’s lives changed forever.

While the men were away at war the women had to run the homes. One of the daily chores was to wash the clothes in soapy clean water and scrub the clothes against a scrub board and a soap cage. Afterwards, they would wring the water out and put it through the mangle. After that, they would hang the washing on the prop washing  line to dry. When the clothes were dry they needed to be ironed with a hot stone iron that had been sitting on a hot stove for a few hours. The heavy irons were heaved onto the ironing board, and the woman would pull the iron across the clothing  so that all the wrinkles would disappear, and lastly the woman would fold all the washing up and put it away.

There were a lot more chores than just the washing eg:bandage rolling,cooking, making beds, cleaning the fire cooker out, cleaning the top of the stove, vacuuming with an old fashion vacuum, dusting the pictures and sweeping the leaves from the path.

During the war the roles of women changed.  Woman started doing the men's jobs. While all the men were away at war there was nobody to work the land or do the farming so girls were taught new jobs.The girls of the land army looked after animals, ploughed the fields. They dug up potatoes and they dug for 48hrs a week in the winter and dug for 50hrs a week in the summer. In order to grow more food. The government set up the land girls army on June in year 1939. All help was needed on the farms.
During the war, a lot of food was sent to the soldiers so in NZ there was limited supplies of lots of things like butter, sugar, eggs, flour, meat, clothing and petrol. The government decided to ration the food so it wouldn’t run out of stock. They would have to have a coupon book and take a coupon to the grocery store and people would only get a certain allocation of food.  If you wanted more you or something else you would have to wait or make it yourself.  You could get coupons from friends, but they would have to go without.  So some people traded coupons.

Life at school was different to the present day. The equipment like pens was different.  They had quill pens and ink and slate boards and chalk.  The male teachers had to go to war so only older men could be teachers and women had to be teachers.  They were in short supply so they had to cram lots of kids into the same classroom.  Children would have half a field for girls and half a field for boys.  They play pretend war games.  The children had to practise air raid drills and dig out trenches.  Some children would copy soldiers and smoke! In classrooms, they had hoses to bite on in case a bomb went off.  This would stop their teeth from breaking.

Life during the war was very difficult and challenging.

By Daniel K, Anneliese, Ryan and Holly

Monday, 17 August 2015


Today we learnt about how to give feedback to our classmates in a respectful and responsible way. We invented our own name, PFP. This stands for Positive, Feedback, Positive. We always start by telling our classmates something positive about their work. Then we pick one thing that they can work on / improve. We finish with another positive comment. We practised OUR PFP skills during writing today and really enjoyed the experience.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

This is one of Madasin's homework. She is very proud of what she has done. Oustanding Madasin!!!

 My red and green thoughts about my holiday !

My red thoughts                      My green thoughts
-not going fishing                                         -getting to see dad
-not going to see the cars                         -getting to make pizzas
-not getting to see my cousin                  -going in the spa
-not seeing my uncle.                                  -going to my brothers       
By Madasin

Lighting Poem!

This is Ellie's Lighting Poem. She found it really challenging to come up with some really powerful verbs and adjectives. Ellie is very proud of what her poem turned out like.
I hope you enjoy it! 

            I can see your flashing light     
            hit the ground so hard

            I can hear your electric roar
         I can smell your burning flash  
            I can taste your cold, cold rain
            hit my tongue with  a splash
         When you hit the ground so hard,
            you make me feel shocked!!!!!!!!!!!

War Time Story

For literacy this week, we had to write an information report about how hard it was in war time at home. This is Charlotte  ( Me ) and Ruby's report. We really enjoyed doing this, because we could bounce ideas off to each other and make sure words sounded right. We are very proud of what we have done. Hope you enjoy! :)

War Time Information Report!
By Jaffa123 & blubear456!

Life was hard in war time in New Zealand. There were two World Wars, the first World War sprung to life in late July 1914 and lasted until early November 1918. The last World War kicked off in 1939 and finally finished in 1945. A lot of men gloomily died in both wars. Woman had to take charge with regular chores and jobs. These required time and were challenging.

Since men were at war, the woman had to step up and manage the work in their household and hometown. Woman were put in jobs that were traditionally carried out by men. These jobs included; engineering, mental hospitals, food canneries, fire duties, milking cows, ploughing\ farming, gathering crops and digging ditches. Lots of woman volunteered to work in these previously listed jobs, but some didn’t initially. These women were called Landgirls. Land girls earned $2.37 for a minimum of 50 hours of work a week. Now that’s hard work!

During World War, schooling was different in many ways. The teachers were harsh and used a cane to control and punish children. Back in the old days, children used feathers as pens, which they dipped into an ink pot to be able to write. The rules were very cruel and restrictive. For example; Face the front, no talking, no team building, as well as no working with mixed genders. You would have to practice marching every morning, and there was no play equipment. A phrase they used was “Children should be seen not heard”, as they could not talk
unless asked by an adult. We would find this very frustrating.

While both World Wars were taking place, there were shortages, so things had to be rationed. To be able to access these things, you would have a rationing ticket book, you got stamps as well. 8,000 rationing books were issued to meet the restrictions. War ration book five was finished but never issued. The date the rationing books started was September 1939- The second World War. There were no supermarkets, so you went to different shops for different items. For fruit and vegetables , you would go to the veggie shop. For meat you would visit the butcher, for fish you would check in to the fisherman or catch your own fish. If you were wanting a yum treat like bread and cakes you would pop on down to the local baker. For groceries such as jam, tea, biscuits etc. you went to the grocery shop. These sorts of goods were rationed; typewriters, fuel, bikes, shoes, silk, nylon, oil, meat, cheese, butter, coal, fruit and many more.

Could you handle that? We don’t think we would!

What we have learnt, is that life when men were fighting for our country was not a piece of cake!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Class Contract

Blog Authors / Class Agreement
·      Class members are to send their work for the blog to their allocated author.
·      Class members will edit Blog posts before they are sent to the authors.
·      Authors will also proof read the posts before posting online.
·      Authors are to follow the Cyber Safety guidelines at all times, ensuring the content they are posting is appropriate.
·      All posts will be about our learning.
·      Send no more than 2 posts to your author each week (we will review this later in the term).
·      Only first names will be used. Do not include any personal details like your address/phone numbers on work/posts.
·      When commenting on other people’s work YOU MUST
  1.  Say something positive and specific that they have done.
  2. Give some feedback about how the work can be improved / changed / next steps.
  3. Always end with another positive comment.

Mrs W
Charli, Tash
Ruby, Sean, Holly
Sam, Dan
Chris R
Dan V